Life after she admitted causing unnecessary suffering and failing to meet the needs of a large number of animals in her care. What is a PSA? A public service announcement, commonly known by the PSA acronym, is a message spread in the interest of the public. Harlows work also provides a classic example of how readily animal research can attract negative public sentiment and misrepresentation. The objectives of PSAs are to raise awareness and change public attitudes, opinions, or even behavior towards an issue.
A huge smear campaign started by Peta Kills Animals made sure everyone knew that PETA euthanizes most of the animals in their care. Here you'll read stories which represent just a limited number of the animal cruelty or neglect cases that we come across on a regular basis. Making the connections among animal studies, scientific progress, and advances in human health is the critical foundation for public understanding of why animal research is valuable. A little while ago, we wrote about powerful advertisements that were designed to raise awareness about important social and environmental issues. But what about animals? They don't have any way to raise awareness about the issues they face, so it's up to us to help them out.